Hvor: Statped sørøst Hovseter
Gamle Hovsetervei 3, 0768 Oslo
Visioneers Norway har gleden av å invitere til workshops i ekko-
lokalisering med Daniel Kish i november. Det vil være anledning for barn
og ungdom å ha med foreldre. Merk at for aldersgruppen under 12 år vil
det bli aktuelt å dele opp workshopen basert på alder. Kursspråk er
engelsk og det skal legges til at Kish har lang erfaring i å holde kurs i
land hvor engelsk ikke er morsmålet. Se neste side for informasjon om
kursholder Kish og hans beskrivelse av workshopen.
Det legges opp til mye praktisk øving og det anbefales derfor sterkt at
deltagere hører igjennom første sesong (4 episoder) av vår podcastserie
før workshopen:
iOS brukere klikk her Android brukere klikk her
Pris: 200 kr per deltager
Påmelding: Frist 15. september
Via e-mail til: visioneersnorway@gmail.com
Spørsmål? Kontakt oss per e-mail eller via vår Facebookside:
visioneersnorway@gmail.com Link Facebook
Det er begrenset med plasser så meld deg på i dag!
Kursholder Daniel Kish
|| President visioneers.org – World Access For The Blind
|| Master i Developmental Psychology
|| Master i Special Education
|| Orienterings- og mobilitetspedagog
|| Verdenskjent foreleser i ekkolokalisering
Beskrivelse av workshopen med Daniel Kish sine egne ord:
Self-Directed Achievement, Perceptual Development, and Flash Sonar*:
How blind people can learn to see
This is an immersive, fun, hands on, experiential workshop, in which I provide and
demonstrate a comprehensive overview of using perception based, achievement
oriented methodology to naturally foster the development of self-direction. Principals
of perception based instruction focus on audition, taction, and mutual social
Underdevelopment of self-direction seems common but unnecessary among blind
people, and often leads to passive dependence and limitation. I demonstrate and
discuss conditions that foster or disrupt the development of this process, as well as
methods for remediation. I cover extensively perception based instructional strategies
that foster the natural development of self-direction. We discuss the critically
supportive impact of early childhood perception based training (including infants and
toddlers), such as cane training, Flash Sonar*, and mutual social engagement, along
with the disruptive impact of passively imposed methods of guidance and external
I demonstrate advanced perceptual skills, including Flash Sonar*. Flash Sonar is an
advanced perceptual ability to image the surrounding environment in functional detail
by strategically using discrete sonar signals, such as a quiet tongue click. It appears
to be most inspiring and motivating in its utility for imaging complex relationships and
details from a distance. I also give specific attention to strategies for enhancing and
diversifying cane use and active social engagement for very young children and
newly blinded adults. I cover individualizing the curriculum to unique student
We discuss access to the environment through sighted assistance in terms of mutual
social engagement for the fostering of partnerships, and in terms of a support to, not
a replacement of, other critical processes of self-direction. Most importantly, we have
Flash Sonar = Ekkolokalisering
Daniel Kish